Monday, December 22, 2008


The sun is at its lowest.
The snow and ice coat the branches of trees and our machines sit idle under tarps, in sheds, waiting.
We dream of the the K1200R, the Vstrom, BMW r65, Majesty and Burgman, cruising the winding, tree lined, car sparse, roads of Eastern NY, Western MA, Western CT and Southern VT.
We dream of Triumph Bobbers, seductive red Vespas, old, old vintage metal of bygone days.
Now is the time to act, sleep fading from our hearts, pursuing new objects of desires, which shall never be fulfilled.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Mod or Rocker

There was a time when one was identified by which mode of two wheeled travel utilized which resulted from the inception of the motor scooter. Two wheels, a motor, and step-thru, it has caused division amongst those who ride. This division has developed an ignorance of both modes of travel, fostering social stereotypes and myth.
The Dead Elvis Scooter Club is without this division.We shall be combining the best of both worlds into a riding, rocking and grooving club. We will offer a yearly gathering, complete with live music, sustenance and fun. We shall have a once monthly meeting, located throughout Troy-Cohoes area, by which we shall discuss, repair, gather, all things dealing with motorcycles and scooters.
We are a members only club and to become a member, one must be approved by the governing council, the "Gang of Five". We are not intolerant, and are open to suggestion. Look for out website and email contact soon.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Club

We have been wandering. A loose association of diverse individuals, who ride on two wheels and a motor, who have now decided to settle down, within a club, the Dead Elvis Scooter Club, Troy NY.

We come from many different backgrounds and locations, but most of us are now settle in the Capital District of New York State. We all share an interest and love of these machines. We know how they work and operate and love sharing this knowledge with our friends. Those daring few of us have ridden miles throughout the Northeast and Southern USA, touring many miles solo or with a small group.

We shall develop a meeting schedule, event programs, associate memberships, music and party venues. We shall discuss, investigate, write, sing and play.

Come join us.